Forums / Roleplaying / Erus - Information II

Erus - Information II
03:30:32 Dec 28th 08 - Prince Valan Septim:

This topic will be devoted to information on the world of Erus.

By Septim and Deallus


-Starting land and capitals cannot be taken.
-Terrain does not affect combat
-No godmoding objects/peoples
-Halflings, humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves. Trolls as bosses that guard treasures or weapons.
-Unbreakable and elemental weapons are the maximum anyone can have. No unbreakable armors.
-One treasure per week at MOST
-Five Dragons cannot die or be tamed. Dragon King Drakos(Gold), Dragon Lord Karac(gray), Shezmu(Black with green eyes), Erunion(red), Salamon(blue)
-Drakes will be named after minor RPing legends.

-Adventuring parties can be of only 20 men and yourself

Races - Many populate the world of Erus.

Orc - A being spawned by evil ways. Orcs are beings usually in great numbers and are not usually bright thinkers. They are bred for warfare and are great warriors in battle. Orcs are not ones to try and negotiate with unless you have the upper hand.

Human - A being with a short life span. Most humans are easily corruptible by wealth, power, or fame. They are strong but fragile in battle and can become sick with disease. They are large in number, second only to orcs. They make average weaponry and armor compared to dwarves, and are nowhere near as wise as the elves. They make up for this with their vast tactical knowledge and greed driven willpower.

Halfling - A secretive creature that can live to be slightly older than most humans. They are great farmers and cultivators of the earth compared to any other race. They are not great warriors and usually choose to hide in the face of danger. They enjoy a good party and celebrate as much as they can.

Troll - A being that is very large and powerful, but usually dimwitted. Trolls are very strong warriors that use brute force to do most jobs for them. They can tear apart most other races in a one versus one battle. Trolls usually do not fight with armor, but have been known to be armed by another race and set upon another. They are the guardians of many treasures that would attract other races so they have something to eat.

Dragon - The oldest of beings, they were at one point the dominant species of Erus, but only five are left now. They are usually gigantic in stature and have four legs. Their fire can melt all but the most magical of weaponry, and usually burns at around nine thousand degrees. Their skin is invulnerable to most weapons. Dragons are very intelligent, and they fly away before they can be killed.
(Meaning they are invincible, no killing them...)

Drake - A creature that is similar to a dragon yet lacks wings. It is a fierce reptilian creature that protects treasures so that it can devour any traveler seeking to claim it. They can breathe fire, but nowhere near compared to that of a fully grown dragon. They use their sharp teeth and claws to tear apart anything that wishes to disturb it and are not to be taken down easily. Their skin is not as tough as a dragon’s meaning it can be pierced only by strong weaponry.

The Ancient Dragons - All cannot be killed as they simply flee when close to death.

Dragon King Drakos - The oldest being in Erus. He is also the wisest and most intelligent creature on Erus. He has an interest in a certain tavern. He is rumored to be gold with silver eyes.
Dragon Lord Karac - The second oldest being in Erus. He respects his father, Drakos, greatly. He is also very wise and intelligent, and he has never harmed a wolf. He is rumored to be gray, and his eyes are black.
Dragon Lord/Lady Shezmu - The most evil of the Dragons. He/she is a sadistic dragon who enjoys killing. He/she is also somewhat confused about his/her gender, and calls himself/herself both Lord and Lady. He/she is rumored to be black with bright green eyes with red highlights.
Dragon Lord Telcontar - A benevolent and wise Dragon. He helps humans, and never wishes to harm them. He is red with green eyes.
Dragon Lord Salamon - The most indifferent of Dragons, he really doesn't care about anything but the treasure horde he guards, and mostly stays in his cave. He is blue with light blue eyes.

The Drakes - They guard the lairs of the Dragons, they also cannot die, as they simply flee into tunnels in the caves when they are close to death.
Ragnarr - A rough Drake, he enjoys a good fight, he is also quite tough. He seems to speak in a weird accent that is usually attibuted to the humans of the north.
Seloc – He is a very weird drake. He enjoys killing humans, and yet he doesn't, as he has two different personalities.
Senturu – He is a very odd drake. He makes odd boasts, like being a Dragon when he is only a Drake, and guarding a golden spoon. He is fierce in a fight though.
Mac - Enjoys killing wolves, much to Karac's displeasure. He is something of a maniac, usually locking several humans and a few wolves inside a castle and seeing what happens.
There are other Drakes as well, such as Atreides, Rhade, and Efrandor, but I will not make any descriptions on them.

Erinak, the Orc King - Erinak was born thirty years ago, since then he has risen to become one of the most feared orcs in history. His mastery with an axe is matched only by his brutality towards his prisoners. He currently commands an army of around fifty thousand orcs. They are armed with anything they can loot off of their enemies on the battlefield, be them longswords or pitchforks.

Azurael - This man was once Primoris Victo, the first man to discover magic. After discovering necromancy, however, he took on a new name: Azurael. He has now joined forces with Osiris, and has agreed to give him an undead army in exchange for five thousand human slaves.

Caen, The Prince of Shadows - He is the son of Razurak, the God of Shadows, and was summoned by Osiris. In exchange for a large part of Erus, he has given control over part of his army to Osiris.

Lucien Vraxus, King of Tyros - Once a wise and benevolent ruler, he was corrupted by the Dark Lord Osiris, his current liege. Most of his army is under Osiris's control.

Many more are under the control of Osiris.

04:57:32 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

So... are we using Demonsuls map somehow in this?

07:55:30 Dec 28th 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Your position in the world is as shown on his map.

10:13:03 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Rhade:

Woooo!  I merited a mention :P  hehehe.  I need to get back into rping now that I'm back...

10:50:05 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Demonsul:

Dibs on the Imperial Fort as my first city (if it is run that way)...well, it is my official capital, after all.

13:17:42 Dec 28th 08 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:! WHOOOOOOH YESSSS!!! this should be indeed good for Roleplaying stories/games :D

17:45:18 Dec 28th 08 - Prince Valan Septim:

Didn't give you a complete mention like the others due to me never really knowing you. :-(

18:21:21 Dec 28th 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Shezmu spoke? Holy crap!

18:25:23 Dec 28th 08 - Prince Valan Septim:


18:45:22 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Demonsul:


03:53:18 Dec 29th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

Hehe, Shemzu dont have no gender....

04:05:40 Dec 29th 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Yeah...he is like that at times...I will delete all of the posts on here except the information when the RP starts.

10:46:42 Dec 29th 08 - Sir Demonsul:

*angry surprised face

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